GSC Student Research Grant Program
The Geological Society of Connecticut offers a grant program for students doing research addressing the geology of Connecticut.
2025 Grant Applications are now being accepted!
See details below for more information.
Previous GSC Student Research Grant Awardees
About the Grant Program
- Applications are accepted from January 1 through March 31.
- Applications consist of (1) a research proposal written by the applicant and (2) a letter of recommendation from the faculty supervisor of the applicant’s proposed research project.
- The research proposal must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 31. Click the button at the bottom of this page to access the application form for the research proposal.
- The letter of recommendation must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on April 1. A link for the recommendation form will be sent to the faculty supervisor.
Research Proposal
Letter of Recommendation
- The proposed project must address the geology of Connecticut. Applicants are welcome to contact the GSC Student Research Grants coordinator at [email protected] with any questions about the suitability of a project for a GSC Student Research Grant.
- The research proposal must include a project description and a budget. Additional information on the project description and budget is included on the application form.
Letter of Recommendation
- The research proposal must include a project description and a budget. Additional information on the project description and budget is included on the application form.
- The letter of recommendation must be written by the faculty supervisor of the applicant’s proposed research project.
- Applicants must send the name and email address of their faculty supervisor to the GSC Student Research Grants coordinator at [email protected]. This email message must be sent on a timely basis. The GSC Student Research Grants coordinator will email the faculty supervisor a link for the form they should use for their recommendation.
Award Information:
Applicants will receive notification by May 1 of the GSC Student Research Grants Committee’s decision
on their application.
Award Amount
Up to three GSC Student Research Grants of $500 each are awarded each year.
All applicants receive a free one-year membership in the Geological Society of Connecticut. The
membership is for the calendar year in which they applied.
Awardee Requirements
Applicants will receive notification by May 1 of the GSC Student Research Grants Committee’s decision
on their application.
Award Amount
Up to three GSC Student Research Grants of $500 each are awarded each year.
All applicants receive a free one-year membership in the Geological Society of Connecticut. The
membership is for the calendar year in which they applied.
Awardee Requirements
- Awardees are asked to acknowledge the support of the Geological Society of Connecticut in any presentations or written work they produce that includes results from their funded research project.
- Awardees are asked to provide content for a short GSC News Blast article on their funded research project. The content will be provided to the GSC News Blast editor via a short in-person or virtual interview that will take place toward the end of the awardee’s work on their project.
For more information:
Please contact the GSC Student Research Grants coordinator at
[email protected].
Please contact the GSC Student Research Grants coordinator at
[email protected].
The Geological Society of Connecticut Student Research Fund was started in 2013 by the Geological Society of Connecticut Board of Directors. Donations and fundraising efforts sustain the fund.
Contributions to the GSC Student Research Fund are tax deductible as a 501c3 charitable donation (EIN #26-4782969).
Contributions to the GSC Student Research Fund are tax deductible as a 501c3 charitable donation (EIN #26-4782969).
Use the "Donate" button below to make a direct donation or consider purchasing one of our shirts in the webstore.